To import a list of consignments or a manifest to send, you will first need to create a definition. If you have not done this, please refer to article: How do I create an import definition?
Once you have created your import definition, click the Send button and select the Send (via Manifest) option. Then simply browse for the file or drag and drop it into myFastway. The service options that can be used in the manifest are ‘DELOPT-ATL’ for Leave at Door, ‘DELOPT-STN’ for Standard Service or ‘DELOPT-SGR’ for Signature Required.
When the file has successfully loaded, you will see a tick in the status field. You can then select Consign All or consign one line at a time under the Details drop down. Once you have consigned the lines of the manifest you can view and print all labels.
If you see an error icon in the status field, this means your manifest requires attention. Select the manifest line to view the details of the errors. To amend the errors, select Details.
Some examples of errors that you might encounter are shown here.
Once all errors have been corrected, you will have the option to consign line by line or to Consign All. You will then be able to View and Print the labels.